Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March Madness

I know I promised that I would be better about updating and but so far it hasn't really happened. The first weekend of March John and I went letterboxing at several parks in Gville. For those of you not familiar with letterboxing, you get clues online and then use them to find letterboxes hidden in your area. It's nice because you get outside and in to areas of parks that you would probably never visit. This is a pic of us letterboxing: The next weekend was spring break. I went to GA to visit my family and John stayed home to work. I got to do some canning with my mom. We made lots of strawberry jam which turned out SO good! Nothing is better than homemade jam!

I look pretty rough because it got super hot making the jam. After making jam all morning my dad helped me make my Pinewood Derby car. Since John and I are the Cub Scout leaders in our ward we get to make cars to race for the derby. My dad showed me how to use all the tools and then let me do everything by myself. In all of the years of school projects and such, this is the first time he ever left me alone in his workshop. We will see how it actually does come race day...

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